Lumos Band

Physical design and prototyping for a childrens wearable
8 weeks
Walking School Bus have trouble keeping the ‘bus’ alive over time. The biggest reason for this is the parents having to adapt their morning routines to fit in with the schedule of the bus. 

What is a Walking School Bus?
On their way to public school, younger children can be 'picked up' at certain locations in their neighborhood by a pack of other children lead by an older child, all walking to school safely together.
This enables physical and social activity before arriving to school, proven to result in better learning abilities. (See video below)
My Contributions
Problem framing
Stakeholder interviews
UI and UX design
Lo- and Hi-Fi interactive prototypes
Approach: Through our research, insights, and phases of ideation we arrived at scoping our design towards three areas:

-> Extrinsic motivation through gamificiation
-> Context aware activities
→ Added safety and visibility in traffic

Results: A functional hardware prototype consisting of a motion-sensing wearable LED strap, supporting traffic safety and gamified physical activities

Process snapshots


Play activity
During a walk, the children often play games facilitated by the walking-chauffeur. The progress of the games, is captured by motion sensors, allowing the children to collect points, compete and collaborate.

Illustrations by Kim Laranang Hansen
Traffic safety
1. During a walk, the children can be exposed to high-traffic areas. If a child is acting dangerously, the wearable will play an alarming sound.

2. Using the wearables LEDs, pairing up the children becomes more a visible and safe activity.

Illustrations by Kim Laranang Hansen

Traffic Safety 1